What people are saying about “We Aren’t Broke”

Theologians and Educators

“Mark Elsdon knows what he is writing about: a capacious Christian vision of the common good. What he proposes is not abstract but grounded—a tested way of perceiving and acting that reorders the power of money and property for the sake of a more just and thriving neighborhood or town. Elsdon points a way to a comprehensive transformation of the church and the community.”

— Mark Labberton, president of Fuller Theological Seminary

“This book packs a wallop—it could not be more timely or more important for congregations today. Elsdon calls churches to reckon with the impact of their finances—not just whether they can make bank—and turns impact investing into something mighty close to a spiritual practice.  Given the tectonic shifts in giving and the global hand-wringing over the future of the church, We Aren’t Broke isn’t a moment too soon.”

— Kenda Creasy Dean, Mary D. Synnott Professor of Youth, Church and Culture, Princeton Seminary

“In We Aren’t Broke, Elsdon captures a vision for the church’s future through redemptive entrepreneurship and impact investing. Drawing deeply from the worlds of business, mission-driven organizational leadership, and personal experiences of transformational college ministry, this book is part leadership workbook and part theological/ethical reflection on the value of investing in doing good—a must read for pastors, social entrepreneurs, and people of faith who want to change the world.”

— Frank Yamada, executive director of the Association of Theological Schools

“Wise and eminently practical, We Aren’t Broke is a timely, much-needed book. Elsdon’s transformational story is inspiring, and his lessons and insights provide wonderful ways to reimagine mission and ministry in diverse contexts. Take, read, and put into practice!”

— L. Gregory Jones, president of Belmont University

“This is a book the likes of which you have never read before. Mark Elsdon has written a book on money in the church that is both smart and wise. The smart part of his book is that he opens up important specific resources for good money management and investment. The wise part of his book is that he appeals to faith in order to imagine afresh the uses of our resources. Elsdon proposes nothing less than that we “recalibrate our relationship with money” in order not to keep reiterating old practices. This book is a must for any part of the church that fears it lacks adequate resources.

— Walter Brueggemann, Columbia Seminary

Practitioners and Resource Providers

“One of our biggest challenges in the church is imagination. In this book, Mark Elsdon reminds us that there is no scarcity of resources, only a scarcity of creativity and courage. He shows us a way forward, even in the midst of a pandemic. If we believe that light shines in darkness, this is an amazing moment for us to shine. If we feel anxious about resources, we need only remind ourselves of what Jesus did with a few struggling fishermen and a few courageous young women... and how he took a kid's lunch to feed the masses. Indeed, even as we look at the early church faced with poverty pressing in all around them, we can see that they were able to provide for everyone by sharing, by fasting, and by holding all things in common. Gandhi put it well: ‘There is enough for everyone's need, but there is not enough for everyone's greed.’”

 — Shane Claiborne, author, activist, and co-founder of Red Letter Christians

We Aren’t Broke is a welcome resource that so many churches need now, and Mark Elsdon is just the right guide. With wisdom and expertise gained through years of working alongside religious organizations as well as entrepreneurs, investors, and community advocates, Elsdon provides the perfect mix of practical advice with hope, creativity, and theological imagination.” 

— David P. King, director of the Lake Institute on Faith and Giving at Indiana University

“I’ve read the parable of the rich young fool from Luke 12 over a thousand times and never noticed how conventional wisdom about money is the very thing that Scripture tells us is foolish! I’m thankful for Mark Elsdon’s theological, economic, and practical road map that shows us how to be wise according to the Kingdom of God’s standard!”

— David M. Bailey, founder & CEO of Arrabon, co-author of Race, Class, and the Kingdom of God

Impact Investors

We Aren’t Broke offers an insightful, first person tour through the challenges of funding church-based ministries and exploring our relations of faith and finance. By combining reflections on his own journey with discussions of the best thinking and practices of innovative finance, Elsdon offers a solid vision of how money and mission may be integrated to advance the critical work of the Church in the current century. A must read for deacons, preachers, parishioners and laity leading today’s religious communities!”

— Jed Emerson, author of The Purpose of Capital: Elements of Impact, Financial Flows and Natural Being

“Mark Elsdon masterfully shares his experience of making faith-focused impact investments from the early stages through the long term. Religious traditions have much to offer the global community about stewardship and the power of money. Elsdon reminds us that there is also great power in the current economic state of religious institutions—the question is, what impact will they seek? You will finish this book feeling motivated and guided on how church assets can be directed to seek positive impact.”

— Kate Walsh, Global Impact Investing Network

Mark Elsdon asks us, "If the purpose of capital is to make good in the world with what God has lent us, and the way we go about growing that capital makes a difference, how then are we to think about the role capital plays in perpetuating or eliminating injustice in the world?" This is a critical question for consideration, one of many that Elsdon so thoughtfully reflects upon in this important book.  

- Morgan Simon, founding partner at Candide Group and author of Real Impact: The New Economics of Social Change

“I’ve long questioned the traditional model of the church’s role in the context of today’s society. I believe innovation has been somewhat lacking in approaches to disrupt systemic issues in our community. However, now more than ever, we are in a moment to change the narrative around this, and we are seeing more and more examples of new and effective models popping up around the world. We Aren’t Broke does an excellent job of digging into these challenging topics and highlighting new ways for the church to utilize its assets and reclaim its position as the transformational agent of change in our communities.”

— Derrick Morgan, KNGDM Group and retired NFL Linebacker

Publication Reviews

“Elsdon’s thesis is that the church shouldn’t wallow in self-pity over its declining membership figures and shrinking pool of financial resources. Rather, he proposes creative ways to use property, endowment coffers, and other assets as vehicles for multiplying impact.”

— Christianity Today

“Compelling. . . . Elsdon’s expansive perspective encourages churches to enhance their reach by imitating many successful nonprofits to create new sources of income from mission-based initiatives.”

— The Living Church

“A poignant and immensely practical exploration of the superabundant economy of creation. . . . Elsdon’s book will stir the economic imaginations of our churches, and is a helpful guide for opening our eyes to the superabundance of God’s provision.” 

- The Englewood Review of Books

““We Aren’t Broke”… makes a compelling case that we should use all the assets God has given us for higher and better purposes than purely for financial returns. Thank you, Mark Elsdon, for showing us the money!”

— Presbyterian Outlook